Tips to Help Animals During Rains

Posted on by Shreya Manocha

During this rainy season, don’t forget our community animals, who need your support to survive. Check out these tips for helping them:

  1. Make a dry space or a cosy corner for them to sleep in: It doesn’t take much to set up a perfect cosy corner for community animals. Take a few clean sheets or some old t-shirts and create a dry and warm spot for our little friends to snuggle up in during the monsoon. Check out the photo below for ideas:


  1. They need clean water, too! Unfortunately, community animals do not have access to clean water, so every time you go to feed an animal, do remember to keep a separate water bowl for them.


  1. Check under your car before you start: Every morning as you rush to work, take a minute to check under your car, and you may be surprised to find a pup or kitten there. Animals often climb into engines to keep themselves warm, so monsoons are particularly dangerous. Honk before you start the engine if you are unsure whether there’s an animal beneath.


  1. Talk to your society head and neighbours: Many societies and buildings have strict regulations about keeping community animals, so we suggest you speak to the chair or other person in charge, help them understand that monsoons can be difficult for animals as well, and get permission to install a food and water bowl in your complex. This will help avoid unnecessary clashes. The Hon’ble Bombay High Court through a recent ruling has batted in favour of installation of water bowls in housing societies for community animals. In Paromita Puthran vs Municipal Corporation Of Greater Mumbai & Ors, vide an order passed on 24 April 2023, the High Court in paragraph four of the order held, “It would be an obligation of the residents of the society to always make provision for adequate water to be made available to the animals more particularly considering the onset of the summer season.” The order can be accessed at


  1. Call PETA India’s 24/7 emergency helpline on 9820122602: When you see any animal who is injured or requires immediate help, please call our 24/7 animal emergency helpline on 9820122602 to seek help. You can also follow these tips to help animals in distress.


  1. De-worming and sterilisation of community animals: Sterilised animals also live longer, healthier lives, and males are less likely to roam, fight, or bite.


  1. Build a shelter for animals – they’ll love it! Building a shelter is easy and inexpensive. You can find free materials by asking building supply stores or carpenters for scrap, and loosely stuffed pillow cases or newspaper can be used for padding. If this is too much trouble, you can also find ready-made shelters in stores!

Help Animals in Distress