Two Parakeets Rescued and Released by Namakkal Forest Division Following PETA India Complaint

Posted on by Erika Goyal

Following a concerned citizen’s tip off about two Alexandrine parakeets being kept at a residence, PETA India collaborated with Namakkal forest officials to rescue the birds. Upon visiting the location, the team found the two parakeets, who were immediately seized. The accused was apprehended, and a Wild Life Offence Report registered against him. The offence has been compounded, and a fine of Rs 5000 has been imposed on the individual.

Following their rescue, the birds were sent for a health check, treatment, and temporary rehabilitation. They have now been released into a safe environment away from human establishments. Alexandrine parakeets are protected under Schedule II of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972. Buying, selling, or possessing this species is an offence punishable by a fine of up to Rs 1 lakh or a jail term of up to three years – or both.

In the illegal bird trade, countless birds are taken from their families and denied everything that’s natural and important to them so that they can be sold as pets or used as bogus fortune-tellers. Fledglings are often snatched from their nests, and others panic as they’re caught in traps or nets that can seriously injure or kill them as they struggle to break free. Captured birds are packed into small boxes, and an estimated 60% of them die in transit from broken wings and legs, thirst, or sheer panic. Those who survive face a bleak life in captivity, suffering from malnutrition, loneliness, depression, and stress.

Pledge to Never Cage Birds