Action Centre

Rabbits Hit, Hung Up and Skinned Alive in the Chinese Fur Trade

PETA Asia found that rabbits are forced to live in urine-encrusted cages before finally being strung up and skinned – sometimes while still alive. Pledge to be fur-free now!

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Pledge to Practice Your ABCs: Animal Birth Control

Homelessness isn’t just a human problem. You can help prevent these tragedies. It’s as easy as ABC—animal birth control!

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PETA Asia Exposes Gruesome, Shocking Abuse in Global Snakeskin Trade

A shocking PETA Asia investigation shows workers inflating snakes to death with compressed air – all for “luxury” leather.

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Pledge That the Only Skin You Are in Is Your Own

Every year, industries which sell animal skin as clothing – such as fur, leather, wool and exotic skins – slaughter more than 1 billion animals often kept in hellish …

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Latest Jallikattu Investigation Proves Laws Fail Bulls

A new PETA India investigation documents that bulls are still suffering in jallikattu.

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Monkeys Chained, Abused for Coconut Milk

If your coconut milk comes from Thailand, you might be unwittingly supporting cruelty: A PETA Asia investigation shows that the industry exploits and abuses monkeys.

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