Action Centre

Exposed: Crocodiles, Alligators Killed for Bags and Watchbands

PETA US’ investigator saw workers botch the slaughter of alligators. Some animals were still conscious and flailing several minutes after workers tried to kill them.

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Investigation Proves That It’s Wrong to Eat Eggs

Footage provided to PETA India by Anonymous for Animal Rights shows the disturbing treatment of animals by the egg and meat industries.

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Help Put an End to Elephant Rides

Help protect elephants from psychological and physical abuse by making it known that you don’t support elephant rides.

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Earth Day 2024: Stick a Fork in Climate Change – Go Vegan

Living on Earth is something humans and all other animals have in common, and animal agriculture is devastating for our environment. Go vegan for Earth Day!

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‘Wet Markets’ Still Selling Live and Dead Animals While COVID-19 Death Toll Mounts

New footage of wet markets shows terrified bats in cages, gloveless humans handling carcasses on blood-streaked countertops, flies landing on raw flesh that’s for sale, and more.

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Let’s Get Real: Cow and Buffalo Milk Is Non-Vegetarian

Cow, buffalo, and other animal-derived milk should be labelled with a brown dot because its production supports cruelty and slaughter.

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URGENT: Help Shut Down Live-Animal Markets That Breed Deadly Diseases

“Wet markets”, where live and dead animals are sold for human consumption, are perfect breeding grounds for diseases.

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