Action Alerts

Exposed: Crocodiles, Alligators Killed for Bags and Watchbands

PETA US’ investigator saw workers botch the slaughter of alligators. Some animals were still conscious and flailing several minutes after workers tried to kill them.

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Undercover Investigation: Dogs Bludgeoned and Killed in Leather Industry

HEARTBREAKING: PETA Asia’s undercover investigation reveals that dogs are bludgeoned and killed for their skin.

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HELP NOW: Sheep Killed, Punched, Stamped on and Cut for Wool

PETA US’ investigators in Australia and the US found that shearers killed, beat, kicked and threw terrified sheep. Help these gentle animals now!

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Avon, Mary Kay and Estée Lauder Are Paying for Tests on Animals

For more than two decades, Avon, Mary Kay, Estée Lauder and Revlon have been among the largest mainstream international companies on PETA US’ cruelty-free lists.

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Help Stop Nestea From Abusing Animals

Nestea is testing and paying others to conduct painful and deadly tea tests on animals. Tell them to stop abusing animals.

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Pledge to Lose the Leather With Pamela Anderson

Pamela Anderson’s hard-hitting video exposes the hideous abuse behind India’s leather trade.

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Pledge to Adopt, Never Buy or Breed Dogs

We can stop the cycle of animal homelessness and save lives by opening our hearts and homes to a rescue instead of buying animals from breeders.

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Tell Canada to End Its Shameful Seal Slaughter

Every year, the Canadian government allows sealers to shoot and smash in the heads of thousands of baby seals for their soft fur.

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Pledge to Practice Your ABCs: Animal Birth Control

Homelessness isn’t just a human problem. You can help prevent these tragedies. It’s as easy as ABC—animal birth control!

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Help Ban Animals in Circuses

Please add your voice to PETA’s by letting officials know that all animals who are exhibited or forced to perform in circuses are suffering.

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