Actor Amy Aela’s Tip Helps PETA India Save Neglected Animals

Posted on by Erika Goyal

When PETA India received an urgent call from actor Amy Aela about the deplorable conditions animals were forced to endure at a local facility, we took immediate action to address the situation. Aela reported that were locked up in inadequate environments, tied up without the freedom to move, underfed, and subjected to loud music and bright lights throughout the night.


PETA India quickly acted on Aela’s report by contacting the facility’s owners to address the concerns. However, after receiving no response, a formal complaint was lodged with the Raigad Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the Maharashtra Animal Welfare Board, calling on them to intervene by conducting an immediate examination of the facility and seizing the animals.

After extensive follow-up, the authorities informed PETA India that the facility’s owners had agreed to surrender a horse. We visited the location to conduct a preliminary examination of the horse and other animals, and during this visit, three of the 11 rabbits kept there were found to be suffering from serious medical conditions. All of the rabbits and the horse were transported to Kalote Animal Trust for rehabilitation, but unfortunately, the horse and two of the rabbits didn’t survive.

PETA India also took steps to counsel the owners and staff regarding their inability to manage more animals at the operation, as its petting zoo was already severely crowded due to breeding. A relinquishment deed and a memorandum of understanding (MOU) were signed, outlining the owners’ commitments to ending the practice of allowing visitors to ride the horse and camel and sterilising all animals within three weeks.

PETA India remained in touch with the facility’s owners to ensure compliance with the MOU. The owners reported that all male animals, including a bull, a goat, a donkey, two ponies, and four rabbits, had been sterilised – officially halting animal breeding at the facility – and shared the relevant medical certificates. They also assured us that no new animals would be brought to the operation and that rides on horses, ponies, and camels had been discontinued.

Thanks to the efforts of Aela and the cooperation of local authorities, the surviving rescued animals are now living in a safe and caring environment at Kalote Animal Trust. They are receiving the proper care and rehabilitation they deserve, ensuring that their future will be brighter and healthier.

If you witness cruelty to animals or become aware of neglect, please report it to PETA India or the local authorities immediately.

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