Bird Flu Outbreaks Prompt PETA India ‘Go Vegan’ Billboard

Posted on by Shreya Manocha

With bird flu continuing to be a crisis spreading via chicken farms in India and around the world, and now effecting humans and other mammals resulting in the recent deaths of three tigers and a leopard at a zoo in Nagpur, PETA India has placed sky-high warnings in Hyderabad and Nagpur reminding everyone that live poultry markets, severely crowded sheds where chickens are confined for eggs and meat, and slaughterhouses help spread bird flu and other potentially deadly diseases.

 Credit: PETA India

Mutations of bird flu can make the virus increasingly dangerous to humans, with infections now spilling over to various mammals, including cows and goats. Health experts have warned that H5N1 bird flu – which has a mortality rate of approximately 60% in humans – has a potential for a pandemic 100 times worse than COVID-19. According to the World Health Organization, exposure to diseased or dead birds, or contaminated environments, such as live bird markets, raw meat, contaminated eggshells and raw dairy can risk bird flu infection.

In addition to helping fight infectious diseases, people who eat vegan reduce their risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Vegan meals also spare animals immense suffering. In today’s meat, egg, and dairy industries, huge numbers of animals are raised in vast warehouses in severe confinement.

Chickens, much like humans, form intricate social bonds, experience dreams while sleeping, and even anticipate the future. Yet, in the meat industry, chickens’ throats are cut while they’re still conscious, and for eggs, male chicks are commonly burned, drowned, crushed, fed live to fish, or killed in other cruel ways along with other unwanted chicks because they cannot lay eggs, Similarly, cows are forcibly separated from their beloved calves for dairy, pigs are stabbed in the heart, and fish are cut open while they’re still alive for food.

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