‘I’M ME, NOT MEAT’ Billboards Sweep The Nation
In honour of World Vegan Month (November) and just in time for World Vegan Day (1 November), PETA India has placed billboards in Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, Delhi, Trivandrum and Guwahati featuring different animals commonly used for food proclaiming, “I’m ME, Not MEAT. See the Individual. Go Vegan.”
An estimated 1 million living, feeling chickens are killed to be eaten every four hours in India. As seen in PETA India’s exposé “Glass Walls“, chickens’ throats are often cut while they’re still conscious. These birds are raised in crowded, filthy sheds and are bred and given drugs to make them grow so big, so fast, that they often collapse under their own weight. At around 6 weeks of age, they’re transported to slaughterhouses, where their throats are slit with dull knives.
Cows and buffaloes used for beef are loaded onto vehicles so cramped that many die en route to the slaughterhouse. Many others are marched to slaughter on foot, and handlers beat them, break their tailbones, or smear chilies in their eyes to force them to continue moving when exhausted. At slaughterhouses in Kerala, they may be hit on the head with a hammer or their throats may be cut, often while they’re still fully conscious.
MAA Flyover Facing Park Circus, Kolkata
More fish are killed for food each year than all other animals combined, yet they have little legal protection from abuse. On cramped, filthy fish farms, they suffer from parasitic infections, diseases, and debilitating injuries. Those who are dragged out of oceans in huge nets (along with unintended victims, such as dolphins, turtles, seals, and other sea animals) slowly suffocate or are crushed to death. Those who survive that process are often still conscious when their throats and stomachs are cut open.
GS Road, Guwahati
Pigs are highly intelligent, sensitive animals who don’t deserve to be abused, slaughtered, and eaten. In India, they’re reared in confinement, and male piglets’ testicles are ripped from their bodies without painkillers. At slaughterhouses, pigs are stabbed or their throats are slit while they’re still fully conscious and know what’s happening to them.
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