
Bodypainted Pair Want You to Go Vegan for the Earth

PETA India notes that the UN concluded that raising animals for food is one of the top two or three most significant contributors to environmental problems.

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Talk on Vegan Fashion by PETA at JD Institute, Siliguri

Students at JD Institute Siliguri attend a session on vegan fashion by PETA.

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PETA Talks Vegan Fashion at INIFD Kolkata

PETA India was at INIFD Kolkata to share information about these outstanding materials and speak with students about vegan fashion.

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Neil Nitin Mukesh Shows How Elephants Are Beaten, Shackled, and Abused for Rides

In a new PETA ad, actor Neil Nitin Mukesh shows how elephants are beaten, shackled, and abused for joyrides. In time for ‘Save the Elephant Day‘ (16 April),heart-throb Neil …

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PETA Spotlights Animal-Friendly Fashion at JD Institute–Delhi

PETA makes a vegan fashion statement for the students at JD Institute of Fashion Technology in Delhi.

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PETA Calls On All States To Stop Illegal Slaughter As Per Supreme Court Order

PETA India welcomed initiatives taken by the governments of Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, and Rajasthan to shut down illegal slaughterhouses – and it fired off …

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PETA Talks Compassion in Fashion at INIFD – Guwahati

One of our favourite things to do at PETA is engage with students. To inspire an ethical trend among the future leaders of fashion, PETA’s resident style maven and …

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PETA Talks About Vegan Fashion to JD Institute, Dibrugarh

PETA’s in-house fashion queen gave JD Institute’s students in Dibrugarh the inside scoop on the reign of vegan fashion.

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VIDEO: Puppy Burned by Acid Is Rescued—Look at Her Now!

Puppy burned by acid has new friends and a new life.

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Over 60,000 Andhra Pradesh And Telangana Schools To Incorporate Humane Education

PETA programme will help children learn kindness towards animals and become compassionate adults.

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