
12 Years for ‘Boyhood’ and 30 Years for Animals

In PETA US’ playful homage to Boyhood, Richard Linklater explains his views on animals, the environment and being a proud vegetarian.

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Doodles Against Animal Experimentation

Animals are burned, blinded, cut open, poisoned, starved or drugged in cruel experiments. We asked people to show how much they care for animals used in laboratories during World Week …

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HC and SC to Consider Kerala Captive Elephant Plight

  PETA India filed a petition this week in the Kerala High Court to address the suffering of elephants in festivals like Thrissur Pooram, while Co-opted Member of the …

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Pamela Anderson Offers 30 Fabulous Faux Elephants For Kerala Parade

PETA India patron Pamela Anderson has penned a letter to the Chief Minister of Kerala that extends an unprecedented offer: to contribute the cost of providing 30 life-size, realistic and …

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Maharashtra Becomes Latest To Ban Deadly Manja

The government of Maharashtra has issued a circular under section 5 of The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, banning the sale, storage, and use of deadly manja – sharp kite …

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PHOTOS: Government Monkey Sterilisation Centre EXPOSED

Prompted by complaints over the treatment of monkeys at the Monkey Sterilisation (MSC) in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand – part of the state Forest Departments’ effort to control the …

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PETA Nominated for iVolunteer Award

Big news: PETA India have been nominated for an iVolunteer Award, thanks to our various campaigns to help animals. PETA’s vital work is winning landmark victories and saving animals’ …

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Woman ‘Experimented On’ in Delhi

PETA India Youth Outreach Adviser Neha Singh and other volunteers took part in a street theatre–style graphic demonstration to show how animals are abused and killed in laboratories in …

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PHOTOS: Man Takes Public Bath for Earth Day

PETA India supporters bathed publicly in Mumbai yesterday in the lead-up to Earth Day (22 April) to remind passersby that everyone can save water just by leaving meat, eggs …

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Show ? for Animals Suffering in Laboratories

MISSION IS CLOSED! Please sign up to our activist network to get involved. Show your love for monkeys, bunnies, dogs, cats, rats and other animals used for experiments. These …

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