PETA India’s Giant ‘Carrot’ Serves Vegan Meals Just In Time For World Food Day
Just in time for World Food Day (16 October), a costumed “carrot” representing PETA India and Raksha took to the streets of Allahabad to distribute free, delicious vegan meals and to remind people that helping to feed the world can be as easy as going vegan. The “carrot” held a sign reading “End World Hunger. Go Vegan” and let passers-by know why raising animals for meat is an inefficient use of land and crops, which could be used instead to feed many humans.
With the global population of humans at over 7 billion – about a billion of whom currently go hungry – the only way to produce enough food to feed them all, according to the Worldwatch Institute, is “to cut back sharply on meat consumption, because conversion of grazing land to food crops will increase the amount of food produced”. Vast amounts of land, water, and other resources are used to grow grains and other plants to feed animals who are then killed for food, instead of to feed humans directly with plants. Today, at least 50 per cent of the world’s grain is fed to animals raised for food. In a 2010 report, the United Nations stated that a global move towards vegan eating is necessary to save the world from hunger, poverty, and the worst effects of climate change.
Animals killed for food also suffer terribly, as can be seen in PETA India’s disturbing and highly publicised video exposé “Glass Walls”. They’re crammed into vehicles in such large numbers that many are severely injured or even die en route to the slaughterhouse. Once there, they are killed in view of one another and often dismembered and skinned while still conscious.
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