Show ? for Elephants in Circuses

Posted on by PETA

Could you ever forget being beaten? Elephants can’t, either.

Trainers use whips, clubs and ankuses (a baton with a sharp metal hook on one end) to beat elephants into submission and force them to obey. Circus officials don’t want you to know that they sink these hooks into the most sensitive parts of the elephants’ bodies – like their trunks, their feet and behind their ears – but they do.

Show your love and support for elephants by completing the following mission:

  • STEP 1: Create a sign that includes a quick sketch of an elephant alongside text that reads, “Could You Ever Forget Being Beaten?”
  • STEP 2: Use make-up, face paint and/or a bandage to create fake wounds on yourself.
  • STEP 3: Snap a quick pic of yourself with your sign and upload it to social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Spread the word!
  • STEP 4: Send your pic to PETA Youth at [email protected] . Be sure to include your postal address so that we can send you a pack with free stickers, badges, a vegan starter kit, leaflets and investigative videos for taking part.


Your pic could be featured in a blog post by PETA India, so don’t forget to be creative.

(Note: By sending your photo or photos to PETA, you‘re acknowledging that you have read and you agree to our terms of submission.)

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