Victory: Illegal Horse-Cart Races in Nashik Prevented Following PETA India Complaint

Posted on by Shreya Manocha

Upon receiving information about an illegal horse-cart race scheduled for 30 January in Pimpalkhute, Yeola, Nashik, PETA India promptly took action in collaboration with local activist Anil Katariya. By notifying and working closely with Malegaon police, the organisation successfully prevented the event from taking place.

Horses used for racing are forced to sprint – through whippings and weapons – at speeds so fast they frequently sustain injuries and can even haemorrhage from the lungs. In 2016, the Rajasthan High Court prohibited tonga races in Rajasthan after reviewing a report from the Animal Welfare Board of India. The report highlighted that horses suffer from cruelty when they are compelled to run amid noisy vehicles and loud spectators, causing them fear and distress.

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