Investigation: How Geese Are Slaughtered for ‘Responsible’ Down
A PETA Asia investigation shows that terrified geese are decapitated with an axe so their down can fill pillows, coats, and sleeping bags.
Read MoreInvestigation: How Geese Are Slaughtered for ‘Responsible’ Down
A PETA Asia investigation shows that terrified geese are decapitated with an axe so their down can fill pillows, coats, and sleeping bags.
Read MoreIn Andhra Pradesh, donkeys are being slaughtered for their flesh – help PETA India crack down on the cruel trade by encouraging the authorities to take action now.
Read MoreNew Investigation Reveals the Heartbreaking Cruelty of Dogfights
Dogfighting is cruel and illegal—join PETA India in putting an end to it by taking action now.
Read MoreNew Investigation Shows How the Egg and Meat Industry Cruelly Kills Chicks
Investigators from PETA India reveal how baby birds are cruelly killed by India’s egg and meat industries.
Read MoreBenefits of Using the ‘PETA-Approved Vegan’ Certification
By using the “PETA-Approved Vegan” certification, companies can enjoy various marketing benefits. Check them out!
Read MoreTogether, We Changed the World for Animals in 2021
From ending experiments on animals to putting abusers behind bars, here are 24 of PETA India’s many victories for animals in 2021.
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