Join the Vanguard Society
When you donate Rs 15,000 or more, you’ll become part of an exclusive community of caring PETA India members. The Vanguard Society is truly the vanguard of the animal rights movement. It’s at the forefront of our work, fuelling our vital campaigns to help animals. Each donation makes a difference for living, feeling beings in desperate situations.
As a member of the Vanguard Society, you’ll receive the following:
- Exclusive updates on PETA India’s work, providing you with insights into how your donation is directly helping animals and making a difference
- Access to PETA India’s experts, who are leaders in their field throughout India
- Invitations to exclusive events, where you can meet and network with compassionate animal advocates, just like you!
- A special welcome pack that includes a personalised membership card and a special PETA India Vanguard Society pin
If you have any questions or would like to discuss your Vanguard Society gift or donate via bank transfer, our philanthropic specialists are available to assist you. Please e-mail us at [email protected].
Thinking about including PETA India in your will? You can find out more and contact our planned giving team to discuss your estate plans here.