Jodhpur Zoo HI

September 2005

  • Nearly all the enclosures were barren, with little or no enrichment.
  • Little security was in place to protect animals from being harassed by visitors.
  • Few measures were in place to protect animals from extreme heat.
  • Most cages had concrete floors and little natural vegetation or greenery.
  • The leopard enclosure was completely barren, with insufficient shade and no trees for the leopard to perch or climb on.


  • The concrete and barren bear shelter had no grass, greenery or vegetation. The bears were unable to swim in the meagre pool of water that had been provided.
  • The houbara bustard was kept in an enclosure that had a concrete and dirt floor and no enrichment. Food was strewn all over the floor.
  • Both the parakeet and love bird enclosures were extremely crowded and did not have enough space for the birds to fly around. There was no enrichment.
  • The pheasant enclosures were littered with plastic and iron buckets.
  • One large enclosure had no sign to indicate which species were housed within. Multiple species of birds were observed, but no identification was provided. The pool of water was very dirty and almost dried up. The small concrete tubs of drinking water were fully exposed to the sun, making it likely that the water quickly becomes too hot to drink.
  • The star tortoise enclosure had one small bowl of water, and all the tortoises were crowded around it.
  • Incongruously, there was a slaughterhouse on the premises of the zoo. At the time of inspection, two buffaloes were awaiting slaughter.

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