Action Alerts

PETA Germany Exposes Gruelling, Shocking Abuse in Global Leather Trade

A shocking investigation released by PETA Germany exposes the extreme cruelty live animals endure as they’re shipped around the world to be killed for leather.

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‘Wet Markets’ Still Selling Live and Dead Animals While COVID-19 Death Toll Mounts

New footage of wet markets shows terrified bats in cages, gloveless humans handling carcasses on blood-streaked countertops, flies landing on raw flesh that’s for sale, and more.

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URGENT: Help Shut Down Live-Animal Markets That Breed Deadly Diseases

“Wet markets”, where live and dead animals are sold for human consumption, are perfect breeding grounds for diseases.

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Donkey and Mule Abuse on Santorini Continues: Take Action Now!

New footage from Santorini reveals that donkeys continue to be abused. Help us end this!

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