Action Alerts

Urge KFC to Provide Vegan Options

Let KFC know you’d like it to add vegan items to its menu in India.

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Pledge Never to Use Horses at Weddings

Horses who are forced to perform or carry grooms at weddings are physically and mentally abused. Pledge now to help spare them immense suffering.

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Urge McDonald’s India to Sell McVegans

Ask McDonald’s India to add the animal-friendly McVegan burger to its menu.

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Breaking Video: Goats Thrown, Cut, Killed for Mohair—Help Them Now!

An eyewitness in South Africa—the world’s top mohair producer—found that workers struck, mutilated, and decapitated terrified goats. Help these gentle animals today!

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New Jallikattu Investigation Proves Regulations Don’t Stop Cruelty

PETA India investigates recent jallikattu events in Tamil Nadu, and it’s the same bloody scene of abuse, torture, tragedy, and suffering.

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Help Put an End to Elephant Rides

Help protect elephants from psychological and physical abuse by making it known that you don’t support elephant rides.

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